Erasmus+ Exchange to Greece in May 2024
“καλως ηρθες στην ΕΛΛΑΔΑ! Welcome to Greece!” That was the motto from May 9 to 17 2024 for eleven students of year 9 of the CEG. After our Greek exchange students had explored Erlangen and the surrounding area together with us last December, the long-awaited return visit finally took place. We were given numerous opportunities to get a taste of Greek culture, both modern and ancient, e.g. during trips to UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Athens, Olympia, Delphi, Mycene, and many other historical sites and museums, not to forget about Greek food and drinks. Some of us really fell in love with Greek frappé. 🥤The main focus of our exchange project that was co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU was to explore “Democracy Then And Now”. In Greece, we obviously took a closer look at ancient Athenian democracy. Thus, we were able to get an idea of political organizations or election procedures during a workshop on the Pnyx, where citizens gathered and voted in antiquity. We even re-enacted the famous ostracism.
Interesting as this was, immersion into the everyday lives of our exchange families was not neglected, either. We especially liked the workshop on traditional Greek dances in the Lyceum of Greek Women in Chalkida, as well as the long evenings at the beach with beautiful sunsets.
Before we joined our exchange partners and their host families on Sunday, we visited the ancient sites of Olympia, Delphi and Mycenae on a three-day road trip. We were able to see ourselves what impressive cultural and architectural feats the ancient Greeks were capable of. The historical sites really took our breath away, being veiled in mythical beauty. We even visited the Castalian Spring, which is said to give those who drink from it the blessing of the Muses. As students of the CEG we could not miss this chance… ⛲😉
After eight days full of great experiences and lots of fun, saying goodbye was hard for us. Nobody wanted to leave this beautiful place with its welcoming, heart-warming people. After many tears, looking back, we can say that our time in Greece was an enriching experience, and everyone boarded the plane back to Germany with wonderful memories in our mental suitcases.
We will always remember our time in Greece fondly. Some of us have already booked a flight to Greece in summer holidays! ☀️😊
Thank you also to our accompanying teachers, Dr. Kellner, Mr. Hohenberger, and Ms. Dikhoff!
Liv Asse, 9b
Internationale Austauscherfahrungen mit Erasmus+ 2019-2022
Internationale Austauscherfahrungen mit Erasmus+ 2019-2022
Reise nach Örebro im März 2024
„Hej och välkommen till Örebro“, hieß es im März 2024 wieder für 24 Schülerinnen und Schüler des CEGs.
Nachdem die Schweden im Oktober 2023 bei uns am CEG waren, durften unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler nun umgekehrt eine Woche bei ihren schwedischen Gastfamilien verbringen, deren Alltag miterleben, ins Schulsystem reinschnuppern und neben der hübschen kleinen Stadt Örebro auch Stockholm erkunden.
Dabei kam der Austausch zu wichtigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Fragen nicht zu kurz. Bei einem Besuch der UN-Vertretung in Stockholm wurde den Schülerinnen und Schülern die Agenda 2030 mit ihren 17 Zielen zur Förderung von nachhaltigem Frieden, Wohlstand und Schutz des Planeten nähergebracht. In einem Rollenspiel am Karolinska-Gymnasium, der Partnerschule des CEGs in Örebro, beschäftigten sie sich dann mit der Frage, wie demokratischer Diskurs funktionieren kann und welche Bedeutung Kompromisse in der Politik haben.
Es gab also viel zu lernen und zu erleben in dieser einen Woche und alle waren mit großer Begeisterung dabei. Für einige wurde Schweden sogar zum absoluten Traumland und mehr als einmal kam die Frage: „Können wir nicht bitte hierbleiben?“. Wenn das kein Kompliment für Schweden ist….
Student Jael stayed in Norway for two months
Thanks to the Erasmus+ program, I have the opportunity to spend two months in Norway and get to know the school, culture and nature here. I have been here in Molde for five weeks now and have experienced a lot already thanks to my host family, which does a lot of...
Das CEG in Schweden – Ein Reisebericht 2023
Hej! So begrüßt man sich in Schweden. Nachdem die Schülergruppe aus Schweden bereits eine Woche bei uns war, sind wir, Schüler der 10. Klassen, am Samstag, den 25. März 2023, auch endlich selbst nach Schweden gefahren. Mit Zwischenstopp in Stockholm dauerte es fast...
Swedish students from Örebro at the CEG from 12 to 17 March 2023
On Sunday evening, the students from Karolinska Gymnasiet, Örebro, arrived and welcomed by their host families. But we were not yet done traveling! On Monday morning, we left Erlangen and went to visit castle Schney. There, we participated in the POL&IS roleplay,...
Norwegian teachers from Molde visit CEG
Last week we were very happy to welcome three special visitors from a Middle School Molde, Norway. Within the Erasmus+ program teachers can take part in job shadowing projects to experience and compare various school systems, teaching programs and pedagogical...
Swedish teachers visit CEG
As we are getting closer to Christmas and the northern winds blew some special visitors our way. No, we are not talking about Santa Claus this time. Instead, we were happy to welcome two teachers from our exchange partner school in Örebro, Sweden at CEG. After having...
Sweden, here I go again – my, my, how can I resist you?
Erasmus+ Team to Sweden for Job Shadowing Having gotten into contact with teachers from the lovely city of Örebro, Sweden on an Erasmus+ teacher training in Dublin one year ago, it was time for us to pay our friends a visit. The focus of our one-week stay in Örebro...
Erasmus+ Abschluss des Projekts „music and cultural heritage” in Erlangen – 27.06. – 01.07.2022
Am 26. Juni 2022 war es endlich soweit und wir konnten unsere Gastschülerinnen und Gastschüler aus Rumänien, Spanien, Italien und Nordmazedonien bei uns zuhause in Erlangen willkommen heißen. Wir freuten uns sehr, unseren internationalen Freundinnen und Freunden das...
Erasmus+ Projektgruppe in Spanien 27.05. – 03.06.2022
Vom 27. Mai bis zum 3. Juni 2022 fuhren acht Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie unsere Lehrkräfte Frau Weiß, Herr Dr. Kellner, Frau Pfaller und Herr Hohenberger mit dem Erasmus+ Programm der EU nach Murcia in Südspanien. Bevor wir uns mit den anderen Teilnehmenden aus...
Project in Romania 2022 – our experiences 01.05. – 06.05.2022
Zusammen mit unseren rumänischen Gastgebern, die uns herzlich willkommen hießen, haben wir großartige und unvergessliche Tage in Rumänien verbracht. Im Rahmen unseres gemeinsamen Projekts Music and Cultural Heritage haben wir die Stadt Bukarest mit ihren vielen...
Erasmus+ Accreditation for CEG
Congratulations!!! We’re proud to announce that the CEG has successfully applied to become an officially accredited Erasmus+ school. After having been an Erasmus+ partner school involved in several international projects co-funded by the EU since 2019 we’ve now gone...